Our Curriculum
At Cleeve, our curriculum is imaginative, engaging and relevant for our children.
Curriculum Rationale
Our curriculum has been designed to give Cleeve primary school a distinct individual identity and ethos which reflects our shared values and vision. Our school context is a key driver when planning and implementing the curriculum. We aim to equip our pupils with independence and the skills necessary to succeed in life
Depth, breadth and balance are the underlying principles of the curriculum which enables all pupils to achieve.
The curriculum is designed to enable pupils to achieve depth in their learning by providing them with opportunities to master and build on key skills throughout the primary years.
The curriculum provides breadth through offering experiences that are tangible and meaningful to our pupils in order to enrich their learning.
The shaping of our curriculum provides balance and encourages pupils to achieve academically, physically and emotionally. It allows pupils to work collaboratively, build resilience and ultimately become good citizens. SMSC and British values weave through the curriculum.
The intent, implementation and impact underpins the curriculum journey.
Our curriculum intent includes ensuring pupils will:
- Have a sense of belonging
- Be provided with first hand experiences and encouraged to use their imagination
- Become independent learners
- Have high aspirations which include an understanding of various career paths and job opportunities
- Have an understanding of how to make healthy choices.
This is implemented by teachers having expert skills and knowledge and supporting pupils with building concepts into their long term memory with transferable skills. It is relevant to the needs of the pupils and encourages partnerships with all stakeholders. Subject leaders are well-equipped to lead individual subjects and have a clear vision of what they want their subject to highlight.
It follows the National Curriculum which covers English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, ICT, Art, Design Technology, PE and PSHE.
The impact of the curriculum is measured through regular book scrutinies, subject specific learning walks and pupil questionnaires. The school leadership team and governors relentlessly drive the curriculum forward and monitor it vigorously.
Our curriculum is accessible for all learners as individual needs are catered for through careful planning, sequencing and assessment. We deliver a curriculum which is purposeful and inclusive and enables all children to succeed and progress from their individual starting points.