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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Cleeve Primary School

Breakfast Club

The Cleeve Breakfast Club started in November 2004; it soon became very popular with anything from 80 - 100 children each day.

Breakfast can be the most important meal of the day.  But many children regularly miss breakfast or resort to snacking on crisps and chocolate on the way to school.  Breakfast Club can provide a combination of a healthy breakfast, early morning childcare and an opportunity for educational and social activities.  Eating breakfast has been shown to improve children's problem solving abilities, memory for learning, concentration, and help them start the school day on time, calm and ready for learning.

During their time in Breakfast Club children have the opportunity to spend time socialising with their friends and classmates.  We offer a wide range of activities including board games, colouring sheets and Ipads.  If you would have any queries please feel free to contact the school office.

If your child would like to be part of our Breakfast Club please see below for more details.

Breakfast Club runs from Monday to Friday.  The doors are opened at 8 am, and remains open for children to arrive until 8:20 am. Breakfast club costs £1 per day per child unless your child receives free school meals and you can pay for this on the school app MCAS (My Child At School).


Breakfast Club Staff